Our Vision is based on Isaiah 54.
It is both our Corporate Vision and for the individual believer.
There are 7 Revelations given to us:
Revelation #1- We have supernatural growth. Verse 1
Revelation #2- We have a supernatural building program. Verse 2, 3
Revelation #3- We are forgiven, the Lord is our redeemer. Verse 4-10
Revelation #4- We are a fasting church. Verse 11
Revelation #5- We have a supernatural teaching ministry. Verse 13
Revelation #6- We have no fear. Verse 14
Revelation #7- We have supernatural protection. Verse 15-17
To win the lost at any cost and to make disciples of Jesus Christ,
the Son of the Living God.
St Luke 19:9, 10 and St Matthew 28:15-18b